Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Building and testing MySQL 8.0.41 / 8.4.4 / 9.2.0 on macOS

Previously: 8.0.40 / 8.4.3 / 9.1.0

Oracle released MySQL 8.0.41 / 8.4.4 / 9.2.0, and it's time for me to build and test it under macOS, of all things!

But first, a detour to the last set of releases Valgrind results, because its run took a few weeks on 9.1.0, and that's without --big-test. A big part of tests timed out, or failed randomly. There appear no errors that are diagnosed during server operation, and the shutdown logs are way too verbose for me to try to find any memory leaks. Perhaps 9.2.0 will fare better, and I will reduce --parallel further. Will it take two months to run? We will see!


Mostly good news here, again. -DWITH_ZLIB=bundled is no longer required, that's probably due to newer XCode toolchain finally updating its zlib.

A new build bug:

A fixed build bug:

MySQL 8.0.41 does not build with LLVM 19. It could probably be fixed by backporting a fix for MySQL 8.4.4 which is documented as "Implemented the standards-compliant my_char_traits<unsigned char> for use as a drop-in replacement for std::char_traits<unsigned char>, which was deprecated in Clang 18 and removed in Clang 19. (Bug #37273525)"


New bugs:

No changes:

Fixed bugs:

Did not test:

One-off issues:

  • main.join_cache_nojb failed once with query execution plan difference on 8.0.41 debug build.
  • rpl_gtid.rpl_gtids_table_disable_binlog_on_slave failed intermittently on 8.0.41 Debug with sanitizers, 8.4.4 Debug, & 8.4.4 Debug with sanitizers builds. The same happened in the previous set of releases too.
  • binlog_gtid.binlog_gtid_bgc_ticket_manager failed once on 8.4.4 Debug build.
  • routertest_integration_routing_sharing_constrained_pools failed once in a way that is not bug #113190 above.
  • rpl_gtid.rpl_heartbeat_log_pos_4gb timed out once on 8.4.4 Debug with sanitizers.
  • binlog_gtid.binlog_check_gtid_persistor_compatibility failed once on 9.2.0 Debug with sanitizers.
  • innodb.trigger_function_lock_compare timed out once on 9.2.0 Debug with sanitizers.


Without the one-off issues I have 2 new, 13 unchanged, 4 fixed, 1 untested bug. Much less churn than the last time, and finally the trend is positive.

Friday, November 08, 2024

Storing the MySQL Data Dictionary in a 3rd-Party Storage Engine

MySQL 8.0 replaced legacy FRM files with a transactional data dictionary, stored in InnoDB. Here I'll describe how any other storage engine could become the DDSE, that is, serve as the backend for the data dictionary, replacing InnoDB. This is purely an internals post, and will not look into user-facing motivations and implications of the change (which can be found here), now will it discuss storing any internal SE-specific data dictionary-like information in the server DD, nor should the DD tables be confused with system tables, a distinct category.

This is based on the experience of implementation this feature in MyRocks.

The needed changes broadly fall into three areas:

  • Changes to the SE to make it able work as the DDSE
  • Changes to the core server layer which no longer can assume InnoDB being the DDSE
  • Changes to InnoDB so it can keep on working while not being the DDSE

Changes to the SE to make it DDSE

The DDSE must:

  • be transactional
  • be linked statically into the server
  • know how to assign any internal IDs to DD tables
  • implement the handlerton API for DDSEs
  • make DD transactions durable
  • be able to do non-locking reads
  • support attachable transactions

The first two items are straightforward, in the motivation if not in the implementation. The storage engine must be transactional to maintain the transactional data dictionary. It also must be linked statically into the server, as dynamic plugins are registered in a mysql.plugin table, which is hard to access without data dictionary. This can be done by adding MANDATORY as an argument to MYSQL_ADD_PLUGIN in the CMakeLists.txt for the SE.

Internal ID assignment

The main task for the DDSE is to know how to access the DD tables without needing to refer to the DD. That is achieved by the DDSE hardcoding its internal IDs and any other needed data for the DD schema metadata. To get an ID, handler::get_se_private_id is called for each DD table, allowing the DDSE to update the passed dd::Table object to set the private IDs. For example:

for (auto *index : *dd_table->indexes()) {
  auto &properties = index->se_private_data();
  properties.set("index_id", next_dd_index_id++);

The create table implementation can then access this metadata to use the allocated IDs.

One question may arise, why bother going through get_se_private_id at all? Can't the CREATE TABLE code recognize that it's being called for a DD table, allocate the ID itself, and store it in the passed dd::Table object there? In principle, yes, it could, but: 1) there are asserts in the server layer that the DD tables have their SE private data set; 2) modifying passed dd::Table objects for handler CREATE TABLE is only allowed for HTON_SUPPORTS_ATOMIC_DDL engines, while there is no requirement for a DDSE to be one.

Handlerton API for DDSEs

There are several handlerton APIs that a DDSE must implement:

  • dict_get_server_version, dict_set_server_version: read and write the server of the DD schema in a SE-specific way. Called by the server layer during upgrades.
  • ddse_dict_init: the name suggests that it performs any DD initialization as needed in the DDSE. But it is also tasked with returning any extra SE-specific DD tables and tablespaces (in the InnoDB sense) back to the server DD layer. It also has a mode argument, with four possible values. While it may appear daunting needing to implement DDSE initialization in four different ways, in MyRocks this function does nothing. Not having SE-specific tables and tablespaces helps.
  • dict_recover: also perform any DD initialization in the DD, governed by the mode argument. The name and docs suggest that these are recovery-related actions. In MyRocks this function does nothing.
  • dict_register_dd_table_id: allows the DDSE to note which DD object IDs belong to DD tables. It is up to the engine to decide how to use this information. For instance, MyRocks checks whether a DROP TABLE and similar operations. are not executed against a DD table, for defense in depth.
  • is_dict_read_only: if the SE has a read only mode (InnoDB does), this allows telling the server layer when the DD can be read but not updated. Otherwise, return false; is a great implementation.
  • dict_cache_reset_tables_and_tablespaces: tells the DDSE to invalidate any cached metadata about tables and tablespaces, because it is going to be reloaded anew. This call happens in the server startup sequence right after binlog crash recovery.
  • dict_cache_reset: remove metadata for a single table from any internal SE caches. Called in upgrades. No-op in MyRocks, because there is no need to do any DDSE upgrades in MyRocks yet.

Durability for DD transactions

I have previously discussed SE durability implementation, and it touches upon DD transactions: if a transaction involves DD, it should be persisted regardless of any reduced durability settings (MyRocks implementation). While reduced durability for user transactions may result in lost data for the last transactions before a crash, in the case of DD it may result in desynced DD, making the whole instance nonviable, which I strongly suspect was the cause for this requirement.

Non-locking reads for user transactions for the DD tables

INFORMATION_SCHEMA views provide read-only access to the underlying DD tables for users. Now this access must be non-blocking, both ways: a DDL statement in progress such as ALTER TABLE must not block any INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries and conversely an INFORMATION_SCHEMA query, if done in a session with a high transaction isolation level, must not block any DDL statements from proceeding.

That is implemented by a new parameter for handler::extra method: HA_EXTRA_NO_READ_LOCKING. Having received this, the SE should skipping acquiring read locks, if any, for the handler's table. MyRocks implementation: setting, reading. For InnoDB implementation, you can take a look at WL#7446 (InnoDB: provide a way to do non-locking reads), note that the parameter was named differently there.

Attachable transactions

All the DD accesses are wrapped by DD transactions. These DD transactions differ from the regular user transactions in that they can and will happen in the middle of those regular transactions. The server layer takes care of starting and stopping them, and of swapping the transaction context in the thread handle. The storage engine must be prepared to handle this swapped context correctly, that is, if it observes THD::ha_data == nullptr in the middle of a transaction, it should allocate a new object to this field, and invalidate any cached assumptions about its contents. Once that is ensured, add HA_ATTACHABLE_TRX_COMPATIBLE to handler table_flags return value bitset. The server implementation design is WL#8003 (Server support for attachable transactions) and the InnoDB implementation is WL#7828.

Changes to the core server

The server assumes several things about the DDSE, and also that there is exactly one engine involved.

  • What the DDSE is
  • Early initialization of static plugins
  • Foreign keys
  • Implicit primary keys
  • TABLESPACE support
  • handler::delete_row is bug-for-bug compatible with InnoDB implementation
  • Duplicate entry or lock wait timeout?
  • Supporting DD tables in multiple SEs
  • Changing the DDSE of an existing instance
  • Clone plugin compatibility

What the DDSE is

The DD layer is full of ha_resolve_by_legacy_type(thd, DB_TYPE_INNODB) calls for every time it needs to get the DDSE handlerton. Naturally, you'll have to grep all of sql for DB_TYPE_INNODB and refactor out some helper function to return the right handlerton for you. I wish grepping only sql/dd were enough, but there is sql/resourcegroups too.

That's not all. SQL definitions assume the engine too, the default constructor of Object_table_impl adds a hardcoded "ENGINE=InnoDB" string, which will need patching.

Early initialization of static plugins

Linking the DDSE statically into the server binary is not enough to ensure it is initialized early enough. The initialization of early plugins is handled by plugin_register_builtin_and_init_core_se in sql/ It has a loop where it iterates over all known at this stage plugins and initializes some of them. You'll have to add logic to initialize your SE as well.

Transaction isolation level requirements

The main level used in DD operations is READ COMMITTED. Luckily, this is sort of a "default" isolation level for transactional engines, and even if the SE implements something else, like snapshot isolation, it still has to map that to the levels MySQL understands, likely to READ COMMITTED again.

But, the server data dictionary also expects the DDSE to support READ UNCOMMITTED. Even though I spent better part of the year working on this, I still don't fully understand the reason behind it (any transaction can read its own uncommitted changes in any isolation level in every storage engine I know about, and reading uncommitted changes from other transactions for correctness looks suspicious). I have tried an experiment where I patched the server to always use READ COMMITTED with InnoDB still being the DDSE, to see what breaks. And what broke was the foreign key operations but only when there was more than one of them in a single ALTER TABLE. You have to evaluate how much of a showstopper that is for you, and whether go back to the SE and implement READ UNCOMMITTED, or patch the server to always use READ COMMITTED with DDSE.

A further complication here is that a SE may or may not support atomic DDL (handlerton flag HTON_SUPPORTS_ATOMIC_DDL), and the DDSE could go either way. If it does not, then there are interim DD transaction commits in the middle of a DDL statement, complicating this picture. I only worked on the case where the DDSE does not support atomic DDL.

Last but not least, if the unsupported isolation levels are strictly rejected, users may find it surprising that their DDL statements fail if their session uses one of the unsupported levels, for instance, if there is another engine for user tables that does support them. Consider accepting an unsupported level for the scope of any DDL statements. I am not fully certain why issue this happens at all – the attachable transactions should run in one of the accepted levels in the DDSE – but maybe the DDSE gets to see the DDL statement in an outer transaction first.

Foreign keys

The DD table definitions in .cc files under sql/dd/impl/tables feature many foreign keys. If your SE does not support them, you'll glad to learn that the DD schema has no referential actions, so the keys effectively serve as defense-in-depth against incorrect operations, but their presence is optional, and omitting their definitions works just fine. This commit also handles the hardcoded "ENGINE=InnoDB" discussed above and the next two items.

Implicit primary keys

Some of the DD tables, for example mysql.index_column_usage, have no explicit primary keys declared. But, they do have several unique non-NULL indexes, one of which is promoted to a primary key. As an implementation detail, it might be hard (and brittle) to track this promotion logic to repeat this decision correctly in the SE. If that's the case, patch the SQL definitions to make one of those unique keys a primary key explicitly.


All the DD tables are created in the mysql tablespace. If your SE has no notion of tablespaces, patch the SQL definitions to remove this.

delete_row bug-for-bug compatibility with the DD-InnoDB interface

This was a fun one. MySQL deletes rows through handler::delete_row(const uchar *buf), where buf points to either record[0] or record[1]. But, the reference implementation InnoDB does not even look at what the buf is and relies on a pre-positioned cursor to delete the row. And the DD layer added a new call to delete_row that always passes buf == record[1], pointing to a memory block of zeros. Benign with InnoDB, anything can happen with another engine. Check sql/dd/impl/raw/, so that your Raw_record::update passes m_table->record[0] instead of m_table->record[1].

Duplicate entry or lock wait timeout

The data dictionary holds the statistics tables, which usually have higher volume of writes than the rest of DD tables. They are not typical DD tables also in that it is possible, and legal, to write statistics data for the same object from two different threads, concurrently. One of them will win the race and the other may get ER_DUP_ENTRY error, which is then silently discarded.

The above is true if InnoDB is the DDSE. Other engines may handle duplicate index entries by returning a different error, for example, MyRocks returns ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT instead and cannot be easily made to return ER_DUP_ENTRY. Thus the server has to accommodate by silently discarding either error.

Supporting DD tables in multiple SEs

While only one storage engine can host the data dictionary, it still makes sense for other storage engines to be able to have their own additional private tables in the DD, as discussed below in the context of InnoDB. This requires some changes in the server layer:

  • Handlerton method dict_register_dd_table_id needs to be called for the correct SE. The DD layer can no longer assume the engine of a DD table, and must get the handlerton for the dict_register_dd_table_id call from the table object.
  • dict_init, dict_recover, and dict_cache_reset_tables_and_tablespaces, need to be called for all participating SEs. Their implementations, especially for the first two, must handle both cases of the SE being the DDSE and not being one. But note that this code will have to be further adjusted if the DDSE change needs to be supported on existing instances.

Changing the DDSE of an existing instance

If you want to change the DDSE on existing instances, you'll have to design and write the code to perform this change. I was not the main author of this part of the project, thus I'll skip discussing it.


Technically not the core server, but a plugin. Clone is an InnoDB-centric plugin, but if your storage engine already supports clone, then almost everything will work. One thing that will not, without a larger patch for clone than I thought was worth developing, is clone rollbacks on startup. This does not happen on successful clones, and a failed clone instance with a non-InnoDB DDSE will just fail in a different way.

Changes to InnoDB

It is hard to blame InnoDB for not working straight out of the box when it does not store the data dictionary. Several changes need to be made there:

  • Rewrite InnoDB-specific INFORMATION_SCHEMA DD view implementations
  • Allow InnoDB to register its DD tables even when it's not the DDSE
  • Mark DDL transactions as read-write
  • Register DDL transactions with server 2PC coordinator
  • Allowing UNDO tablespace truncation to run without RW workload

Reimplementing InnoDB-specific INFORMATION_SCHEMA DD views.

There are several INFORMATION_SCHEMA views that are specific to InnoDB, that is, they are not server DD-layer views over DD tables: INNODB_TABLES, INNODB_TABLESPACES, INNODB_DATAFILES, INNODB_COLUMNS, INNODB_VIRTUAL. InnoDB implements those views by opening the underlying DD tables using low-level InnoDB APIs. Since those tables are in a different engine now, the views have to be reimplemented (main commit, fix 1, fix 2) using server layer APIs, luckily they are rather straightforward to use:

template <typename O, typename F>
int for_all_innodb_objects_in_dd(THD *thd, F f) {
  auto *const dc = dd::get_dd_client(thd);
  const dd::cache::Dictionary_client::Auto_releaser releaser(dc);
  std::vector<const O *> dd_objs;
  if (dc->fetch_global_components(&dd_objs)) {
    return 1;

  for (const auto *obj : dd_objs) {
    if (obj->engine() != innobase_hton_name) continue;

    const auto ret = f(thd, *obj);
    if (ret) return ret;

  return 0;

where the first template argument is dd::Table or dd::Tablespace and f reads the needed information and fill out the result row, possibly also looking into partitions, if needed:

[&tables](THD *thd, const dd::Table &table) {
  const auto table_id = table.se_private_id();
  if (dict_sys_t::is_dd_table_id(table_id)) return 0;

  if (table_id != dd::INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
    fill_i_s_innodb_tables_row(thd, *tables, table_id);
  } else {
    for (const auto *partition : table.leaf_partitions()) {
      assert(partition->engine() == innobase_hton_name);
      const auto table_id = partition->se_private_id();
      if (table_id != dd::INVALID_OBJECT_ID)
        fill_i_s_innodb_tables_row(thd, *tables, table_id);
  return 0;

InnoDB-specific DD tables

A storage engine should be allowed to have its private DD tables even if it is not the DDSE of the instance. InnoDB in particular needs its own tables in mysql schema: innodb_dynamic_metadata, innodb_table_stats, innodb_index_stats, and innodb_ddl_log. They get created and registered in ddse_dict_init handlerton method implementation and the handler method get_se_private_data will be called for them too.

There's more to it if DDSE changes need to be considered. The private data for DD tables in InnoDB is table ID, index ID, B-tree root page ID, etc. The first two are assigned sequentially. If InnoDB is not the DDSE, a naive implementation would give out the IDs that belong to different tables when InnoDB is the DDSE. To avoid this can of worms, it is prudent to play it safe and make sure that in both cases the same IDs are assigned to the private InnoDB DD tables. Last but not least, one of the InnoDB private data pieces assigned in advance is the B-tree root page ID, which must be in sync to what the underlying code actually will do at a later point. And that varies with innodb_page_size, so make sure to test and handle all possible settings for this system variable. Everything discussed in this paragraphs is handled here and also in dict_table_build_def with a btr_create debugging counterpart.

Mark DDL transactions as read-write

For some DDL operations, InnoDB did not bother marking their transactions as read-write in the DDL implementation proper, because the operation involved a write to a DD table in InnoDB anyway, taking care of that RW bit. With the DD table being in another SE, the DDL transaction incorrectly becomes RO in InnoDB, which had the effect of skipping the prepare call in the 2PC, breaking crash recovery. The existing handler::mark_trx_read_write fails to work here, being a private method. I ended up a copy-paste-shortening it to a new helper ha_innodb::mark_trx_rw, which is called from the various InnoDB DDL entry points (commit):

/** Mark transaction as read-write in the server layer.
Normally this is handled by handler::mark_trx_read_write, but when InnoDB is not
the DDSE (and transactions do not call that method many times), the few
remaining calls happen too early, when the transaction is not started yet, or
with an incompatible table_share value.
@param  thd     thread handle */
void mark_trx_rw(THD &thd) {
  auto &ha_info = thd.get_ha_data(innodb_hton_ptr->slot)->ha_info[0];
  if (ha_info.is_started())
// ...
if (!innobase_is_ddse()) {

Register DDL transactions with server 2PC coordinator

With binlog disabled, when InnoDB is the DDSE, and it is, for example, creating an InnoDB table, it correctly assumes that it is the sole engine in this transaction and does not bother to register itself with the server 2PC coordinator. This assumption does not hold when InnoDB is asked to create its own table when it's not InnoDB.

Fixing this consists of adding numerous instances of

if (!innobase_is_ddse()) {
  innobase_register_trx(hton, thd, trx);

to the InnoDB DDL entry points (same commit as for the previous item).

GTID persistence with binlog disabled

If binlog is disabled, InnoDB persists the transaction GTID info itself. This logic needed some tweaking.

Allowing UNDO tablespace truncation to run without RW workload

With DDSE being another engine, InnoDB purge may get stuck and leave undo tablespaces untruncated. After I recovered from the initial "huh? Why is there a relationship between purge and DD?", I found that undo tablespace truncation runs only if there is something to purge (makes sense, doesn't it?). In the case of executing DROP UNDO TABLESPACE, InnoDB the DDSE would execute some read-write DD transactions, potentially creating something to purge. If it's not the DDSE, no actual writes to InnoDB happen, it has nothing to purge, consequently never getting to the undo tablespace truncation and the final drop.

One way to address this is to call trx_purge_truncate_undo_spaces from srv_do_purge. Doing that unconditionally if InnoDB is not the DDSE works, but might be less than optimal.


If your branch of MySQL needs to support both InnoDB and your SE as DDSEs, one way to do MTR testing for DDSE regressions is to have a server variable to choose the DDSE (which is likely what you'll already have if you need two support both DDSEs), and some MTR include files to skip some tests with one or the other choice. Then adding --mysqld​=--ddse-var​=non-default-one to MTR invocations will do the trick. Any failing tests then can be saved separately with --initialize --mysqld​=--ddse-var in their option files and added as regression tests to the main testsuite runs.


A checklist for everything discussed above:

  • Changes to the SE to make it able work as the DDSE
    • be transactional
    • be linked statically into the server
    • know how to assign any internal IDs to DD tables
    • implement the handlerton API for DDSEs
    • make DD transactions durable
    • be able to do non-locking reads
    • support attachable transactions
  • Changes to the core server layer which no longer can assume InnoDB being the DDSE
    • What the DDSE is
    • Early initialization of static plugins
    • Foreign keys
    • Implicit primary keys
    • TABLESPACE support
    • handler::delete_row is bug-for-bug compatible with InnoDB implementation
    • Duplicate entry or lock wait timeout?
    • Supporting DD tables in multiple SEs
    • Changing the DDSE of an existing instance
    • Clone plugin compatibility
  • Changes to InnoDB so it can keep on working while not being the DDSE
    • Rewrite InnoDB-specific INFORMATION_SCHEMA DD view implementations
    • Allow InnoDB to register its DD tables even when it's not the DDSE
    • Mark DDL transactions as read-write
    • Register DDL transactions with server 2PC coordinator
    • Allowing UNDO tablespace truncation to run without RW workload
  • Testing


Oracle design documents:

  • WL#6380 (Formulate framework for API for DD)
  • WL#6394 (Bootstrap code for new DD)
  • WL#6599 (New Data Dictionary and I_S integration)
  • WL#7464 (InnoDB: provide a way to do non-locking reads)
  • WL#7828 (InnoDB: attachable transaction support)
  • WL#8003 (Server support for attachable transactions)

Blog posts:

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A MySQL 9.1.0 branch with patches

Following-up on the previous MySQL 9.0.0 branch with patches, I have rebased them on 9.1.0: patched-mysql-9.1.0.

The set of the patches is the same as for 9.0.0: it improves AddressSanitizer support and fixes/improves clone plugin to support a second transactional storage engine:

  1. Fix for Bug 115120: Provide memory debugging macro implementations for AddressSanitizer.
  2. Fix for Bug 109922: SEs do not coordinate clone rollbacks on instance startup.
  3. Fix for Bug 109920: SEs cannot add to clone data size estimates.
  4. Fix for Bug 109919: Clone plugin does not support arbitrary length O_DIRECT files.
  5. Fix for Bug 107715: Multiple SE clone not calling clone_end after mixed clone_begin failure/success.
  6. Fix for Bug 106750: Some clone tests needlessly marked as Linux-only.
  7. Fix for Bug 106737: Wrong SE called to ack clone application if >1 SE.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Building and testing MySQL 8.0.40 / 8.4.3 / 9.1.0 on macOS

Congrats to Oracle friends with MySQL 8.0.40 / 8.4.3 / 9.1.0 releases! Let's continue my blog post series on builds and tests on macOS (the previous post for MySQL 8.0.38 / 8.4.1 / 9.0.0 is here. I skipped the emergency hotfixes 8.0.39 / 8.4.2 / 9.0.1).


Mostly good news here. XCode 16 works (8.4.3 & 9.10 need -Wno-unused-const-variable), and so does LLVM 18. The very recent LLVM 19 release will need fixes for the new errors (and not only warnings which could be disabled), but that's expected. Homebrew LLVM still needs the workaround to avoid mixing system and Homebrew LLVM static linker utilities (Bug #113113 Build failure with Homebrew LLVM 14-19 on macOS). All releases build with maximum system libraries, good.


Many changes here. Several existing bugs have been fixed, but there are also new regressions. As usual, I tested Release, Debug, and Debug+ASan+UBSan configurations.

New bugs

Little or no changes

Fixed and no longer reproducing bugs:


To sum up the existing build & test bugs, we have 10 new, 11 unchanged, and 8 fixed bugs. A lot of churn, and still plus two regressions total.

Newer tooling

I have also logged two bugs which seem to be new classes of errors from newer tooling instead of being MySQL regressions, i.e. they are very likely present in older versions too. These I don't count in the above, but will start doing so from the next releases:


I have been complaining that running Valgrind is excessively slow, and that there was an error present on every test (Bug #115229 pwrite(buf) points to uninitialised byte(s) in os_fusionio_get_sector_size()). The good news is that this bug has been fixed, making the Valgrind runs actually usable now. I have started one for 9.1.0, will see how far along it goes.

One-off issues that I couldn't handle better

Stuff I couldn't repeat reliably or at all, just dumping it here in case I have to reference it next time.

  • rpl_nogtid.rpl_semi_sync_non_group_commit_deadlock 8.0.40 Debug+San reports odr-violation on ReplSemiSyncBase::kPacketMagicNum, does not reproduce running individually
  • binlog.binlog_mysqlbinlog_raw failed once on 8.0.40 Debug+San (L77 copy_file error)
  • rpl_gtid.rpl_gtids_table_disable_binlog_on_slave failed once on 8.4.3 Debug+San build
  • main.index_merge_innodb_hypergraph failed once on 8.4.3 Debug+San build
  • innodb.trigger_function_lock_compare timed out once there
  • auth_sec.grant_as_ddl failed once 8.4.3 Release build
  • rpl_gtid.rpl_gtids_table_disable_binlog_on_slave failed once on 9.1.0 Debug+San build
  • merge_innodb_tests-t failed once on 9.1.0 Debug+San
  • main.lock_backup failed once 9.1.0 with MTR thread id masking clobbering error number
  • innodb.trigger_function_lock_compare failed once on 9.1.0 Debug


I am happy to see that some of the bugs are getting fixed, but the trend is still going the wrong way, and I miss the fully-clean mid-8.0 releases.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Emacs Projectile Tweaks for MySQL Development

I am using Emacs with Projectile (besides other packages) for MySQL development. Here's a couple of little tweaks to save a few keystrokes here and there:

  • Visit (which in Emacs parlance means open) the MTR test file, by its MTR name instead of file path:
;; This is a not a MySQL-specific implementation of `projectile-find-test-file'.
;; That function is meant for jumping from a source file to its test file.
;; TODO(laurynas): this is not an exhaustive implementation for all locations
;; test files can reside. Add them as the need arises.
(defun my-visit-mtr-test ()
  "Input MySQL MTR test name and visit it."
  (let* ((input (read-string "MySQL MTR test name: "))
         ;; TODO(laurynas): error checking
         (parts (split-string input "\\."))
         (suite-name (car parts))
         (test-in-suite (concat "t/" (cadr parts) ".test"))
         (test-root (concat (projectile-project-root) "mysql-test/"))
         (file-path (if (string= suite-name "main")
                        (concat test-root test-in-suite)
                      (concat test-root "suite/" suite-name "/"
    (find-file file-path)))

(define-key projectile-command-map "M" #'my-visit-mtr-test)

The last line binds this command to M in the Projectile command map, so if your Projectile keybinding prefix is C-c p (C is Ctrl in case non-Emacs users are still reading), you can do C-c p M to invoke it.

  • Register .test and .result files as "other file types" for each other. This way projectile-find-other-file (at e.g. C-c p a) can be used for quick jumping between tests and their results:
(add-to-list 'projectile-other-file-alist '("test" "result"))
(add-to-list 'projectile-other-file-alist '("result" "test"))

If I think of more utilities, I'll try not to forget to update this post.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Running Perl-using MTR tests for fb-mysql under macOS

The headline is slightly misleading. Oracle MySQL has several Perl-using MTR tests, the whole MTR framework is Perl-based, and those tests run fine out of the box (with an occasional bug). However, fb-mysql has additional tests that call the Random Query Generator under the hood, and these tests don't work out of the box under macOS.

Here's what I had to do to get them working:

# mysql-client default version is 9.0 now, and you'll get the wrong auth plugin error
brew install perl mysql-client@8.0

# TODO: does not survive upgrades, do what the Perl Homebrew formula advises with
# local::lib

/opt/homebrew/opt/perl/bin/cpan DBI
/opt/homebrew/opt/perl/bin/cpan JSON
/opt/homebrew/opt/perl/bin/cpan Expect

# Adjust path only for compilation below. For now I don't need it globally
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/mysql-client/bin:$PATH"

# Run the following command and expect it to fail with the error as in
/opt/homebrew/opt/perl/bin/cpan DBD::mysql

# Now go to ~/.cpan/build/DBD-mysql-<latest> and do:
perl Makefile.PL \
     --libs="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/mysql-client/lib -L/opt/homebrew/lib -lmysqlclient -lz -lzstd -lssl -lcrypto -lresolv"
sudo make install

And now:

[  5%] rocksdb.rqg_runtime 'rocksdb_ddse'       w4  [ pass ]  41533

Success! Stay tuned for getting Python tests running too.

Friday, August 23, 2024

A README for my MySQL development tooling

Over the years I have written and borrowed various bits of scripts and configuration files to make MySQL development easier by configuring and automating things. Having written patch2testlist a few months ago, I figured that now I have at least one thing that should work not only on my machine. Thus I put together a README for MySQL-related stuff in my dotfiles, also included below.

My MySQL Development Tools

Tool configuration

  • clangd: I am so glad C++ finally got universal IDE tooling and clangd is very useful for MySQL development.
  • Emacs: my primary Emacs config is elsewhere, while this is a directory-local config that takes effect in the source trees. It prevents creating spurious .ispell.dict files, sets the C++ style to Google, and makes Magit (magit-todos actually) exclude 3rd party TODO comments.
  • cpplint: cpplint is still marginally useful with MySQL sources.

I symlink these into the parent directory of all the source trees.

Could be useful to you

  • patch2testlist: for a given patch, print a list of MTR tests to run to cover the test changes in the patch. Introduced in its own blog post. Unlike the scripts below, patch2testlist is standalone and works without the zsh utility functions.

Useful to me

  • a shell initialization script that sets up environment variables and helper functions to configure, build, & test various MySQL versions on macOS and Linux. For example, $MY8037D will expand to CMake options for a debug build of MySQL 8.0.37. As for the functions, among others, mysql_build will configure and build a given tree, and rmtr will incrementally build and run MTR tests with libeatmydata. This script adds various warning disable flags so that older unpatched trees can be built with newer compilers within reason. It also absorbs bug workarounds and complications related to build environments, for example, different MySQL versions need both OpenSSL 1.1 and 3 installed, which then in turn results in build issues if both versions are present simultaneously. This script is not usable without its zsh utility functions.
  • fetchworksrc: fetch all remotes for Git repos in WORK_REPOS_TO_PULL environment variable; pull all the worktrees in WORK_TREES_TO_UPDATE one and do incremental builds. This script runs at midnight on my work machine. There are some quality of life embellishments such as skipping the the build if the machine is a laptop on battery and managing Homebrew OpenSSL version incompatibilities in builds. Again, this script is not usable without its zsh utility functions.

zsh function library

This directory. One file per function as zsh requires. Currently they fall into two sets of responsibilities: querying the source tree for version information and managing OpenSSL 3 build workarounds.

No longer maintained (patches welcome)

  • gca, the workhorse script from my time at Percona. Used when the same patch has to be developed for more than one major MySQL series (e.g. the patch is needed for 8.0, 8.4, & 9.0, using an example that is current at the time of the writing). There is a constraint that the lower series version of the patch has to be git merged to the next higher series, but the latest commits of these series are not fully merged to each other due to how Oracle pushes their source trees. So, a lower series feature branch has to be created not from the tip but from some older commit which had been fully merged. This script manages finding such commits and creating the worktrees. Luckily I only deal with single series these days.
  • reupmerge, used in that same multiple-series workflow. It handles the scenario where, i.e. a code review change needs to be applied to a lower branch commit in a feature branch. Changing that commit requires re-merging it to the higher series. For the case where the higher series commit needs not to change, this script automates saving its diff, and re-merging the lower series with that exact saved diff.
  • mysql-work.el: mostly outdated Emacs configuration bits, mostly copied from colleagues at Percona. They set up MySQL (and InnoDB) indentation styles that were used up to 5.7, and provide a bit of syntax support for MTR .test files.