Friday, September 06, 2024

Running Perl-using MTR tests for fb-mysql under macOS

The headline is slightly misleading. Oracle MySQL has several Perl-using MTR tests, the whole MTR framework is Perl-based, and those tests run fine out of the box (with an occasional bug). However, fb-mysql has additional tests that call the Random Query Generator under the hood, and these tests don't work out of the box under macOS.

Here's what I had to do to get them working:

# mysql-client default version is 9.0 now, and you'll get the wrong auth plugin error
brew install perl mysql-client@8.0

# TODO: does not survive upgrades, do what the Perl Homebrew formula advises with
# local::lib

/opt/homebrew/opt/perl/bin/cpan DBI
/opt/homebrew/opt/perl/bin/cpan JSON
/opt/homebrew/opt/perl/bin/cpan Expect

# Adjust path only for compilation below. For now I don't need it globally
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/mysql-client/bin:$PATH"

# Run the following command and expect it to fail with the error as in
/opt/homebrew/opt/perl/bin/cpan DBD::mysql

# Now go to ~/.cpan/build/DBD-mysql-<latest> and do:
perl Makefile.PL \
     --libs="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/mysql-client/lib -L/opt/homebrew/lib -lmysqlclient -lz -lzstd -lssl -lcrypto -lresolv"
sudo make install

And now:

[  5%] rocksdb.rqg_runtime 'rocksdb_ddse'       w4  [ pass ]  41533

Success! Stay tuned for getting Python tests running too.

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