Friday, August 23, 2024

A README for my MySQL development tooling

Over the years I have written and borrowed various bits of scripts and configuration files to make MySQL development easier by configuring and automating things. Having written patch2testlist a few months ago, I figured that now I have at least one thing that should work not only on my machine. Thus I put together a README for MySQL-related stuff in my dotfiles, also included below.

My MySQL Development Tools

Tool configuration

  • clangd: I am so glad C++ finally got universal IDE tooling and clangd is very useful for MySQL development.
  • Emacs: my primary Emacs config is elsewhere, while this is a directory-local config that takes effect in the source trees. It prevents creating spurious .ispell.dict files, sets the C++ style to Google, and makes Magit (magit-todos actually) exclude 3rd party TODO comments.
  • cpplint: cpplint is still marginally useful with MySQL sources.

I symlink these into the parent directory of all the source trees.

Could be useful to you

  • patch2testlist: for a given patch, print a list of MTR tests to run to cover the test changes in the patch. Introduced in its own blog post. Unlike the scripts below, patch2testlist is standalone and works without the zsh utility functions.

Useful to me

  • a shell initialization script that sets up environment variables and helper functions to configure, build, & test various MySQL versions on macOS and Linux. For example, $MY8037D will expand to CMake options for a debug build of MySQL 8.0.37. As for the functions, among others, mysql_build will configure and build a given tree, and rmtr will incrementally build and run MTR tests with libeatmydata. This script adds various warning disable flags so that older unpatched trees can be built with newer compilers within reason. It also absorbs bug workarounds and complications related to build environments, for example, different MySQL versions need both OpenSSL 1.1 and 3 installed, which then in turn results in build issues if both versions are present simultaneously. This script is not usable without its zsh utility functions.
  • fetchworksrc: fetch all remotes for Git repos in WORK_REPOS_TO_PULL environment variable; pull all the worktrees in WORK_TREES_TO_UPDATE one and do incremental builds. This script runs at midnight on my work machine. There are some quality of life embellishments such as skipping the the build if the machine is a laptop on battery and managing Homebrew OpenSSL version incompatibilities in builds. Again, this script is not usable without its zsh utility functions.

zsh function library

This directory. One file per function as zsh requires. Currently they fall into two sets of responsibilities: querying the source tree for version information and managing OpenSSL 3 build workarounds.

No longer maintained (patches welcome)

  • gca, the workhorse script from my time at Percona. Used when the same patch has to be developed for more than one major MySQL series (e.g. the patch is needed for 8.0, 8.4, & 9.0, using an example that is current at the time of the writing). There is a constraint that the lower series version of the patch has to be git merged to the next higher series, but the latest commits of these series are not fully merged to each other due to how Oracle pushes their source trees. So, a lower series feature branch has to be created not from the tip but from some older commit which had been fully merged. This script manages finding such commits and creating the worktrees. Luckily I only deal with single series these days.
  • reupmerge, used in that same multiple-series workflow. It handles the scenario where, i.e. a code review change needs to be applied to a lower branch commit in a feature branch. Changing that commit requires re-merging it to the higher series. For the case where the higher series commit needs not to change, this script automates saving its diff, and re-merging the lower series with that exact saved diff.
  • mysql-work.el: mostly outdated Emacs configuration bits, mostly copied from colleagues at Percona. They set up MySQL (and InnoDB) indentation styles that were used up to 5.7, and provide a bit of syntax support for MTR .test files.