Thursday, October 10, 2024

Emacs Projectile Tweaks for MySQL Development

I am using Emacs with Projectile (besides other packages) for MySQL development. Here's a couple of little tweaks to save a few keystrokes here and there:

  • Visit (which in Emacs parlance means open) the MTR test file, by its MTR name instead of file path:
;; This is a not a MySQL-specific implementation of `projectile-find-test-file'.
;; That function is meant for jumping from a source file to its test file.
;; TODO(laurynas): this is not an exhaustive implementation for all locations
;; test files can reside. Add them as the need arises.
(defun my-visit-mtr-test ()
  "Input MySQL MTR test name and visit it."
  (let* ((input (read-string "MySQL MTR test name: "))
         ;; TODO(laurynas): error checking
         (parts (split-string input "\\."))
         (suite-name (car parts))
         (test-in-suite (concat "t/" (cadr parts) ".test"))
         (test-root (concat (projectile-project-root) "mysql-test/"))
         (file-path (if (string= suite-name "main")
                        (concat test-root test-in-suite)
                      (concat test-root "suite/" suite-name "/"
    (find-file file-path)))

(define-key projectile-command-map "M" #'my-visit-mtr-test)

The last line binds this command to M in the Projectile command map, so if your Projectile keybinding prefix is C-c p (C is Ctrl in case non-Emacs users are still reading), you can do C-c p M to invoke it.

  • Register .test and .result files as "other file types" for each other. This way projectile-find-other-file (at e.g. C-c p a) can be used for quick jumping between tests and their results:
(add-to-list 'projectile-other-file-alist '("test" "result"))
(add-to-list 'projectile-other-file-alist '("result" "test"))

If I think of more utilities, I'll try not to forget to update this post.

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